Latest Episodes

Celebrating Labor Day! Lots To Be Happy About, Lots To Consider. E181
In this podcast I discuss the ever-changing role of Labor in our economy, our companies, and our own personal lives. The word “labor” is...

The Role Of Assessments In A World Of AI: Learning From SHL - E180
In this WhatWorks podcast I interview Andy Bradshaw, the CEO of SHL. SHL is one of the world’s largest psychometric assessment vendors, bringing together...

The HR Career Navigator & How To Evaluate HR Tech Vendors E179
In this week’s podcast I describe the HR Career Navigator and the role of HR skills and capabilities in HR and business transformation. Then,...

Revisit Your Learning Architecture In The Age of AI E178
This week I recap the idea of a “Corporate Learning Architecture” and give you some of my historic perspectives on why this is so...

How MetLife's Talent Marketplace Drives Skills, Energy, & ROI E177
In this episode, Susan Podlogar, former CHRO at MetLife, talks with Kathi Enderes about the transformative impact of an AI-based talent marketplace (powered by...

"So HR Is Making You Miserable?" How HR Can Make Their Jobs Better. E176
The NYT published an article explaining how hard it is to be an HR professional. “The job has become an exasperating ordeal. People hate...